Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 157

OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide
close calls. The OpenLDV driver calls these driver functions to interact with the
custom network interface.
You can create an OpenLDV application that manages the custom network
interfaces supported by your custom Windows driver, similar to the Echelon
Interfaces application. The OpenLDV application should perform the
following basic tasks:
1. Create an LDVDriverInfo object:
a. Set the size equal to the struct size.
b. Set the id to any unused value > 127. Values less than 127 are
reserved for Echelon use.
c. Set the type to LDV_DRIVER_TYPE_LNI. This value specifies a
Windows device driver.
d. Set the name to a suitable name for your driver.
e. Set the desc to a suitable description for your driver.
LDVDriverInfo myDriver =
{ (DWORD)sizeof(LDVDriverInfo),
2. Call the ldv_set_driver_info() function:
LDVCode rc = ldv_set_driver_info(,
3. Create devices that use this driver.
4. Create an LDVDeviceInfo object:
a. Set the size equal to the struct size.
b. Set the driver to NULL. This parameter is ignored for the
ldv_set_device_info() function.
c. Set the name to a suitable name for your device. The name must
be unique for the computer. The name must not begin with “X.”
(that naming convention is reserved for xDriver devices). The
name can follow the “LON1” naming convention, but you must
ensure that no naming conflicts arise.
d. Set physName to a suitable physical name (matching the name
specified in your Windows driver) for the device. This name must
follow the Windows \\.\name.0 format. You can match the
physName parameter with the name parameter.
e. Set the desc to a suitable description for your device.
f. Set the caps to suitable capabilities for your device. For
example, your custom network interface might operate as a Layer
5 device and use the SICB data format, so you specify a logical