Test the lookup extension, Sample lookup extension component – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

Page 140

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Extending xDriver

6. For the Lookup tab of the OpenLDV xDriver Profile Properties dialog for

the new profile, select the newly built profile from the Extension Name

dropdown listbox, as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35. OpenLDV xDriver Profile Properties – Lookup Tab

7. Make any other changes that are appropriate for your custom profile, and

click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.

Test the Lookup Extension

Create an RNI for your custom xDriver lookup extension, and give it a name like

X.Sample.DownlinkKey”. Use an OpenLDV client program to open the RNI for

the custom extension to see calls for the following methods:




Note: Until these methods are implemented (see Implement the ILdvxLookup

Interface on page 129), the default E_NOTIMPL return status will cause the

startup sequence to fail.

Sample Lookup Extension Component

The SampleLookupCsv.cpp program is an xDriver lookup extension written in

C++. The SampleLookupVBNet.vb program is an xDriver lookup extension

Component written in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. You can find these samples

in the LonWorks Data Path folder: