Network interfaces – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

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Network Interfaces

A local network interface (one that is physically connected to the computer

running the OpenLDV driver) uses its own Windows device driver. Echelon and

third parties provide a number of network interface products; see the specific

documentation about the network interface for more information.
You can also develop your own custom OpenLDV compatible local network

interface. To make your network interface compatible with the OpenLDV driver,

you must also develop a Windows device driver for it; see Appendix A, Custom

Network Interfaces, on page 147, for additional information about working with a

custom network interface.
A remote network interface (one that is connected to the computer through an IP

network, typically the Internet) uses the xDriver component of the OpenLDV

driver as a virtual device driver. The xDriver component is an extensible

network driver that uses IP to establish connections between OpenLDV

applications and network interfaces (such as an Echelon SmartServer).
xDriver can provide authenticated connections from an OpenLDV application to

hundreds or even thousands of remote L




networks through RNI devices

(such as a SmartServer). As shown in Figure 2, the OpenLDV application

accesses the SmartServer, and the L




channel that the SmartServer is

connected to, through an IP connection.


LonWorks Channel

LonWorks Channel

LonWorks Devices

LonWorks Devices

OpenLDV Application

with xDriver

Figure 2. An OpenLDV Application Using xDriver to Manage LonWorks Devices

You configure the xDrvier component with an xDriver profile. An xDriver profile

is a set of configuration parameters that determines how xDriver manages