Setadditionaldownlinkpackettrailer method, Setauthenticationflag method, Returns – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 181: Syntax

OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide
Table 59. SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketHeader Parameters
Hexadecimal string containing the bytes to be pre-pended, as pairs of
hexadecimal digits. For example: 0B0C0D0E0F10.
Standard COM HRESULT describing the result of the call. Returns
E_ACCESS_DENIED if field is presently read-only. Table 48 on page 166 lists
each SCO field, along with when these fields are read-only.
SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer Method
Applies to: Session Control Object
This method sets any additional bytes to append to every packet trailer sent
during a downlink session. Normally this field is an empty string (the default).
Developers of lookup extensions can set this field to specify a series of bytes that
are to be appended to the end of every packet used in a downlink session if there
is an intermediate proxy between the OpenLDV application and the RNI. These
bytes can be used to provide routing information the proxy might require.
STDMETHOD(SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer)(BSTR hexBytes)
Visual Basic Sub SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer(ByVal hexBytes As String)
Table 60. SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer Parameters
Hexadecimal string containing the bytes to be appended, as pairs of
hexadecimal digits. For example: 0B0C0D0E0F10.
Standard COM HRESULT describing the result of the call. Returns
E_ACCESS_DENIED if the field is presently read-only. Table 48 on page 166
lists each SCO field, along with when these fields are read-only.
SetAuthenticationFlag Method
Applies to: Session Control Object
This method sets the flag that determines whether xDriver should use link
authentication with an MD5 per-packet digest for the session. The lookup
extension component sets this value depending on the RNI used.