Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

Page 154

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LNS Programming with xDriver

'event and will now close the monitor points

'and the network.

m_gbInUplinkClose = True 'Set the uplink close flag to True.

End Sub

'Private Sub StopButton_Click() closes all monitor points, monitor sets, and

'networks. It also re-enables the Exit button so that the user can close the

'application when he wants.

Private Sub StopButton_Click()

m_cMS.Close 'Close monitor set.

m_cCurNet.CloseIndependent 'Close the open network.

ExitButton.Enabled = True 'Re-enable the Exit button since the network

'is closed.

End Sub

'The ExitButton_Click() function closes the application. Before doing so, it

'invokes the EndIncomingSessionEvents method so that it will stop receiving

'incoming session events, and closes the object server.

Private Sub ExitButton_Click()

m_cOS.EndIncomingSessionEvents ("Default")

'Stop receiving incoming

'session events.

m_cOS.Close 'Close the Object Server.


'End the program.

End Sub

'The Timer1_Timer() function is invoked automatically by the function each

'time the timer control interval expires. This function uses flags to

'determine if an uplink session is open, or if a monitor point update event has

'been received, and acts accordingly.

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If m_gbInMP Then 'If monitor point update event flag is True:

m_gbInMP = False 'First, set the flag to False.

DisplayMP_Click 'Then, invoke DisplayMP_Click(). This

End If 'displays all data for the update event.

If m_gbInUplinkOpen Then 'If the uplink open flag is True:

m_gbInUplinkOpen = False 'Set the flag back to False.

StartButton_Click 'Then, invoke StartButton_Click()

End If 'to process the request for uplink.

If m_gbInUplinkClose Then 'If the uplink close flag is True:

m_gbInUplinkClose = False 'Set the flag back to False.

StopButton_Click 'Then, invoke StopButton_Click() to

End If 'close the open network.

End Sub