Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 126

Extending xDriver
Figure 22. Visual Studio ATL Simple Object Wizard – Names Page
From the ATL Simple Object Wizard Names page, enter a name for the lookup
extension component in the Short Name text box and fill in the rest of the fields
as required. None of these fields should begin with “xDriver.” In addition, the
short name should not match the project name (see Create a New Visual Studio
Project on page 114). The COM interface is your automation interface, and is not
used by xDriver.
The program ID should not match the program ID for any other lookup or COM
component on your computer, or on any computer on which the application will
be installed, because it will be used by the Profile Editor to identify the lookup
extension component.
Recommendation: Specify the program ID using the following naming
[Company Name].Lookup.[Type]
where [Company Name] represents the name of your company and [Type]
represents the type of database this lookup extension component uses. For
example: “MyCompany.Lookup.ODBC”.