Create a new visual studio project – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 122

Extending xDriver
Prerequisite: You must install the OpenLDV 4.0 SDK and Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008 SP1 (or later).
Important: If you use the sample project source files in your new project, you
must rename the GUIDs in the .IDL and .RGS files.
To create the framework for a custom lookup extension component using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, perform the following tasks:
1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio
2. Create a new project using the Active Template Library (ATL)
3. Add a COM Object
4. Implement the ILdvxLookup interface
5. Add the lookup extension to the xDriver Lookup Component category
6. Build and register the COM server
7. Create a custom xDriver profile
8. Test the lookup extension
9. Rebuild and re-register the COM server
10. Retest the lookup extension
11. Optionally, add implemented ILdvxLookup interfaces to the sample
component’s type library
12. Optionally, add additional private methods or properties to the
ISampleLookupCsv interface
The following sections describe these tasks in more detail.
Create a New Visual Studio Project
From the Visual Studio main window, select File → New → Project to open the