Build and register the lookup extension, Create a custom xdriver profile, Figure 32 – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

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Extending xDriver

Figure 32. Visual Studio Object Browser View

Your class must implement the DownlinkLookup, UpdateLookup, and

UplinkLookup members of the ILdvxLookup interface. You can optionally

also implement the SetIntance and SetOptions members of the

ILdvxConfigure interface.

You can now begin coding your lookup extension component. See Appendix C,

Custom Lookup Extension Component Programming, on page 161, for more

information about custom lookup extension component programming. This

appendix contains descriptions of the methods that you can use to program your

custom lookup extension component.

Build and Register the Lookup Extension

Select Build → Build SampleLookupVB to build the SampleLookupVB part of

the solution.
Note: For Windows operating systems that include User Account Control

(Windows Vista or Windows 7), if you do not run Visual Studio with elevated

permissions (for example, as an Administrator), you will likely see the following

error message during registration:

Project : error PRJ0050: Failed to register output. Please

try enabling Per-user Redirection or register the component

from a command prompt with elevated permissions.

Start an elevated command shell (right-click the Visual Studio 2008 Command

Prompt shortcut and select Run as administrator), change to the folder that

contains your built DLL, and run the following command:

REGSVR32 SampleLookup.dll

Create a Custom xDriver Profile

Use the OpenLDV xDriver Profile Editor to create a custom xDriver profile for

your custom xDriver lookup extension.

1. Select Start → Echelon OpenLDV 4.0 SDK → Developer Utilities →

xDriver Profile Editor to open the OpenLDV xDriver Profile Editor.