Onincomingsessionevent, Remarks, Syntax – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

Page 165

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OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide





A string type specifying the name of the object to retrieve. For

xDriver network interfaces, the network interface name of the RNI

can be a maximum of 128 characters long, and must be specified using

the following naming convention:

X.[ProfileName].[Downlink Lookup Key]

where [ProfileName] represents the name of the xDriver profile that

manages the connection to the RNI and [Downlink Lookup Key]

represents the downlink lookup key assigned to the RNI in the

xDriver database. For example, if the xDriver profile name is

myProfile and the downlink lookup key is RNI-0001, the network

interface name would be:
For information about using this method with non-xDriver network

interfaces, see the LNS Object Server Reference online help.


All local interfaces appear in the NetworkInterfaces collection. However,

xDriver RNIs that use custom lookup extension components do not appear in the

NetworkInterfaces collection until a session with that RNI has been fully

established. On the other hand, because the default xDriver lookup extension

uses the Windows Registry, all configured RNIs appear in the LNS

NetworkInterfaces collection. For other lookup extension implementations, it

is possible to create the appropriate NetworkInterface object by name from the

LNS NetworkInterfaces collection object using the NetworkInterfaces.Item

For sample programs that use this method with xDriver networks, see Downlink

Sample Applications on page 138.


Applies to: Object Server object
This event is fired whenever a request for connection to the LNS Server is

received, as long as the application has registered for uplink session event

handling with the BeginIncomingSessionEvents method.


OnIncomingSessionEvent(xDriverProfileName, netName, intfName, tag)

Table 41. OnIncomingSessionEvent Parameters



xDriverProfileName This string identifies the profile that is using the TCP listener port for

this session. This name can be useful in an application that registers

for uplink session event handling with multiple xDriver profiles.