Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 128

Extending xDriver
Figure 24. Visual Studio Implement Interface Wizard
Within the Implement Interface wizard, select Echelon OpenLDV xDriver 1.0
Type Library from the Available type libraries dropdown listbox. For the
Implement interface from radio button, specify either Registry or File. If
you specify File, specify \LonWorks\bin\Ldvx.tlb for the Location.
For your custom lookup extension component, implement the following
ILdvxConfigure (optional)
Within the SampleLookupCsv.h header file, implement the methods for
ILdvxLookup and ILdvxConfigure. That is, replace the return E_NOTIMPL
stub code with your own extension-specific code. You code must return COM
success or failure codes to xDriver. See the xDriver Lookup Example (Start →
All Programs → Echelon OpenLDV 4.0 SDK → Examples & Tutorials) for
example implementations.
// ILdvxConfigure Methods
STDMETHOD(SetInstance)(BSTR instance)
return E_NOTIMPL;