Updatelookup method, Uplinklookup method, Syntax – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

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OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide




UpdateLookup Method

Applies to: xDriver Lookup Extension Component
This method is called by xDriver upon the completion of a change to a session

authentication key by xDriver. The lookup extension component must implement

an update to its database from this method, so that it stores the new values of the

current authentication key and the next authentication key from the SCO. These

fields can only be updated from the UpdateLookup method.
For more information about authentication key handling, see Authentication Key

Handling on page 111.



STDMETHOD(UpdateLookup)(ILdvxSCO * xSCO)

Visual Basic Sub UpdateLookup(ByVal xSCO As LdvxLib.ILdvxSCO)

Table 46. UpdateLookup Parameters




Pointer to the Session Control Object that contains the new

authentication keys.


Standard xDriver LdvxResult (HRESULT) describing the result of the call.

UplinkLookup Method

Applies to: xDriver Lookup Extension Component
This method is called by xDriver when an uplink session is initiated. It is passed

a pointer to the xDriver Session Control Object (SCO) for the session. The SCO

contains the uplink lookup key passed in by the RNI.
It is the responsibility of the xDriver lookup extension to extract this lookup key

from the SCO, use it to access its xDriver database, and retrieve the

authentication and network parameters to be used by the rest of the xDriver

framework. Then, the lookup extension component must fill in the corresponding

fields of the SCO, including the Authentication Flag, Current Authentication

Key, Next Authentication Key, LNS Network Name, Downlink Key, and

Encryption Type. This information is then used by xDriver to complete the

session establishment.