Setnextauthenticationkey method, Returns, Syntax – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 185

OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide
Table 65. SetLNSNetworkName Parameters
LNS network name as String (a maximum 85 characters).
Standard COM HRESULT describing the result of the call. Returns
E_ACCESS_DENIED if field is currently read-only. Table 48 on page 166 lists
each SCO field, along with when these fields are read-only.
SetNextAuthenticationKey Method
Applies to: Session Control Object
This method specifies the next xDriver authentication key to be used for the
session. When no change to the current authentication key is desired, this key
must be set the same as the current authentication key.
Changing this field causes the authentication key of the RNI to be incrementally
updated with the new value of this field. After this change is complete, the
UpdateLookup method is called. For more information about the
UpdateLookup method, see UpdateLookup on page 165. For more information
about how the lookup extension component should handle authentication, see
Authentication Key Handling on page 111.
STDMETHOD(SetNextAuthenticationKey)(BSTR authKey)
Visual Basic Sub SetNextAuthenticationKey(ByVal authKey As String)
Table 66. SetNextAuthenticationKey Parameters
The next authentication key for this session, as a 32-character
hexadecimal string representing a 128-bit authentication key. The
authentication key must be entered as a 32-character hexadecimal
string representing a 128-bit MD5 key. For example:
Standard COM HRESULT describing the result of the call. Returns
E_ACCESS_DENIED if the field is presently read-only. Table 48 on page 166
lists each SCO field, along with when these fields are read-only.