Import xdriver types to your system namespace, Implement the ildvxlookup interface – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

Page 137

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OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide


Figure 31. Delete Class1.vb

Import xDriver Types to Your System Namespace

Add the following lines to the beginning of your source code (LookupCSV.vb, in

this example):

Imports LdvxLib

Imports LdvxLib.LdvxEncryption

Imports LdvxLib.LdvxResult

These statements add the properties, methods, and types of the Echelon

OpenLDV xDriver 1.0 Type Library (see Add a Reference to the xDriver Type

Library on page 127) to the System namespace of your project.

Implement the ILdvxLookup Interface

Add the following lines of code at the beginning of your class:

Implements ILdvxConfigure

Implements ILdvxLookup

These statements specify the interfaces that will be implemented in your lookup

extension. The ILdvxConfigure interface is optional.
Select View → Object Browser to open the Object Browser. Expand

Interop.LdvxLib to see the methods associated with each RNI, as shown in

Figure 32 on page 130.