Chapter 13 : mixer, Setting the output for the sample, Selecting the pad to apply the effect – Akai MPC 1000 User Manual

Page 89: Setting the level and pan of the pad

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MPC1000 V2 Operator’s Manual rev 1.0


Chapter 13 : Mixer

In this section, you will learn about the mixer feature. In the
MIXER mode, you can edit several settings while checking
the status of the pads graphically. This is done in the MIXER
mode, which can be accessed by hitting the [MODE] key
and then the [PAD 8] (MIXER) on page 83.

Setting the output for the sample

The MPC1000 has 4 outputs (assignable mix out) as well as
the stereo out.

To use an external FX processor to effect a specific pad, as-
sign it one of the assignable mix outs. Now, route cables
from that assignable mix outs to your FX processors Inputs.
Finally, route cables from your FX processors outputs to the
MPC1000s RECORD IN. Now you can either re-sample with
the desired effect, or utize the MPC1000s INPUT THRU fea-
ture. In this section, you will learn how to change the out-
put of the sample of the pad.

Note :

For more information about connecting to the external

effecter or mixer and about the operation of them, see the opera-

tion manual of these devices.

01. In the MIXER mode, press the [F2] (L/OUT) key.

The Level/OUT page will be displayed.
Each column indicates pad 1 though 16 from the left
and the currently selected pad is highlighted. The dis-
play at the top is the field, where you where you will
assign a specific pad to a specific assignable ouput.

02. Hit the desired pad.

The column for the selected pad will now be highlighted.

03. Press the up cursor key.

You can change the setting by turning the DATA wheel.


The pad will be output to the stereo out.


The pad will be output to the assignable
mix out 1/2.


The pad will be output to the assignable
mix out 3/4.

Tips :

The output setting is made in stereo pairs. If you wish to

output eight monaural signals separately from the eight assignable

mix outs, use the pan settings in the L/PAN page. For example, to

use the assignable mix out 1/2 as two mono outs, in the L/OUT

page, set the output to 1/2 and set the pan setting of the pad you

wish to output from the out 1 and 2 to L and R respectively.

Selecting the pad to apply the effect

With the MPC1000, you can route specific pad(s) to either
of two(2) internal FX. To do this, you need to route the pads
sample in the FX SEND section.

Setting the level and pan of the pad

01. Press the [MODE] key and then the [PAD 8] (MIXER).

When you press the [MODE] key, its LED will blink.
By pressing [PAD 8] while the [MODE] key’s LED is
blinking, you will enter the MIXER mode. Pressing
the [F1] (L/PAN) key brings up the Level/Pan page.

In this display, each column indicates pad 1 though
16 , starting from the left, and the currently selected
pad is highlighted. The bar display on the bottom in-
dicates the current level. Longer bars indicate higher

The circle in the top of the column indicates the pan
setting. The location of the line within the circle indi-
cates the current pan setting.

02. Hit the desired pad.

The column of the selected pad will be highlighted.
You can select several pads by hitting pads while
holding in the [SHIFT] key. You can also select all
pads in the PAD BANK by pressing a [PAD BANK]
key while holding in the [SHIFT] key.

Tips :

When you select several pads and change a parameter (Level

or Pan), the parameter on each pad will be changed relatively

with keeping the balance.

03. Press the down cursor key to set the level, and the

up cursor to set the pan.

When you press the up cursor key, the cursor will
move to the pan display, and you can change the
pan setting with the DATA wheel. When you press
the down cursor key, the cursor will move to the
level display and you can change the level setting
with the DATA wheel.

Tips :

You can also use the [Q2] (SLIDER) to manipulate the

Level, and the [Q1] (SLIDER) to manipulate the Pan of the cur-

rently highlighted column(s).