Chapter 3 : sequencer feature – Akai MPC 1000 User Manual
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MPC1000 v2 Operator’s Manual rev 1.0
Chapter 3: Sequence feature
Chapter 3 : Sequencer feature
The MPC1000 has a sequencer feature that allows you to record/playback your performance. With the sequencer feature,
you can record the performance you created with the pads. And by playing back the recorded data, you can reproduce your
performance. The actual performance will be recorded on a track within a sequence. For more information on sequences and
tracks, see the “Terminologies in MPC1000” section on page 6.
The performance data you made by hitting the pads will be recorded on a track as a pad event. A track can contain other
events, such as Q-Link slider information, tempo change etc… When you are using the MPC1000 with an external MIDI
device, you can record the data from the external keyboard as MIDI events.
Please note that Sequencer feature records only performance data (when and which pad you hit, etc… ). It does not record the actual sound.
MAIN page
This is the page where you record/playback sequences. This is the MPC1000’s main operation mode and, unlike the
other pages, you can display this page just pressing the [MAIN] key at any time.
Now field
The Now field, which is located in the upper left corner of the screen,
displays the current time of the sequence. It shows the bar, beat, tick (1
beat = 96 ticks), from left to right. For example, “002.03.00” means the
third beat in the second bar. A tick is a unit that divides a beat (1/4
note) into 96 parts. For example, 1 beat equals one 1/4 note (96ticks),
so one 1/8 note equals the half of 1 beat, which is 48 ticks.
Below is the relationship between note and tick:
1/4 note
= 96 ticks
1/8 note
= 48 ticks
1/16 note
= 24 ticks
1/4 triplets
= 64 ticks
1/8 triplets
= 32 ticks
1/16 triplets
= 16 ticks
When you record/playback a sequence, the display updates constantly to show the current position of the sequence. You
can move the cursor to the Now field to set the time manually.
Sequence / Sq field
A Sequence is the most basic unit when you create data with
the MPC1000. Performance data from the MIDI keyboard or
pad can be recorded on each track within a sequence. You
can select a sequence in the Sq field. An unused sequence is
indicated as (unused). All the settings in the MAIN page can
be set separately for each sequence.
Track / Tr field
A sequence has 64 tracks where you can record various per-
formance data separately. You can, for example, record Pi-
ano sounds on track 1, Bass on track 2, Organ on track 3
etc… In the Tr field, you can select a track within the se-
quence selected in the Sq field. An unused track is indicated as (unused). You can set Mute, Midi, V%, Type, and Pgm
fields separately for each track.