Setting the track mute with pads – Akai MPC 1000 User Manual
Page 52
MPC1000 v2 Operator’s Manual rev 1.0
Chapter 7: Functions of a pad
Setting the track mute with pads
You can mute/unmute tracks in real time during playback
by hitting the pads. This is useful when you have several
instruments assigned to different tracks, so that you can play
a song and switch tracks on/off using the pads while play-
ing back your sequence.
Pressing the [TRACK MUTE] key brings up the track mute page.
Now field
Like the Now field in the MAIN page, this field
displays the current time position of the sequence.
Sq field
Like the Sq field in the MAIN page, you can select
a sequence in this field.
Track list
The track list is displayed under the Now field and
the Sq field.
The track list displays the first 8 letters of the track
name. The tracks are displayed according to the
position of the pads; Track 1 on the lower left and
track 16 on the upper right. You can display 16 pads
at one time, but you can display 1 to 64 tracks by
switching pad banks. The track whose track mute
is set to off will be highlighted.
Hitting a pad when the track mute page is dis-
played switches the track mute setting of that track
instead of playing the sound.
Solo function
With the Solo function, you can play back only the se-
lected track.
01. Hit the pad that corresponds to the track that you
wish to play, while pressing the [F6] (SOLO) key.
The [F6] (SOLO) will be highlighted and MPC1000
will play only the selected track while it mutes the
other tracks. You can switch the tracks to play, by
hitting a pad.
02. Pressing the [F6] (SOLO) key deactivates the solo
Setting the track mute in solo mode
Solo function switches the track mute setting tempo-
rary. Turning off the solo function resets the track mute
settings for each track to the same status as before the
solo function was activated. However, you can also turn
off the solo function while keeping the track mute set-
ting unchanged. With this feature, you can make a per-
formance starting with many tracks followed by only
a simple rhythm track and then gradually add tracks.
When the solo function is on, press the [F6] (SOLO)
key while holding the [SHIFT] key.
The Solo function will be deactivated and the mute set-
ting for the track set to solo will be turned off. The set-
ting for other tracks will be turned on.