Akai MPC 1000 User Manual

Page 37

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MPC1000 v2 Operator’s Manual rev 1.0



In the EVENTS page, the From sq, Tr field and the To sq, Tr

field only display the sequence number and the track number re-

spectively, but pressing the [WINDOW] key when the cursor is

in the From sq,Tr or To sq,Tr field, will bring up the Select win-

dow, where you can browse the sequence or track name to select.

05. In the Mode field, specify how to copy the data to the



The MPC1000 will overwrite the
destination with the source data.
The data that is already in the des-
tination will be removed.


The MPC1000 will merge the
source data with the data that is al-
ready in the destination.

06. In the Start field, set the start point of destination time.

The MPC1000 will start the copy to the time set here.

07. In the Copies field, set the number of times to copy.

To copy the same phrase repeatedly, enter the num-
ber of copies in the Copies field. You can copy it
repeatedly with one operation.

08. Press the [F6] (DO IT) key.

The MPC1000 will start copying the data.

Moving events (MOVE)

You can move events within the selected region to an-
other location. Unlike the copy function, this function
will remove the source data from the original location.

01. Select the Edit field in the EVENT page of the SEQ

EDIT mode, and select MOVE.

The various fields necessary for moving will be

02. In the Time field and the Notes field, select the region

that you wish to move.

03. In the From sq field and the Tr field on the right, se-

lect the source sequence and track.

04. In the To sq and the Tr field on the right, select the

destination sequences and tracks.

Tips: In the EVENTS page, the From sq,Tr field and the To sq,Tr

field only display the sequence number and the track number re-

spectively, but pressing the [WINDOW] key when the cursor is

in the From sq,Tr or To sq,Tr field, will bring up the Select win-

dow, where you can browse the sequence or track name to select.

05. In the Mode field, specify how to move the data to

the destination.


The MPC1000 will overwrite the desti-
nation with the source data. The data
that is already in the destination will be


The MPC1000 will merge the source
data with the data that is already in
the destination.

06. In the Start field, set the start point of destination time.

The MPC1000 will start moving the event to the
time selected here.

07. Press the [F6] (DO IT) key.

The MPC1000 will start moving the event.

Changing the key (Pitch) of the event/ the

pad event to other pad (TRANSPOSE)

You can transpose (change the key of) the note events.
This operation changes the selected track, whether it’s
a DRUM track or a MIDI track.

01. Select the Edit field in the EVENT page of the SEQ

EDIT mode, and select TRANSPOSE.

The various fields necessary for the transpose will
be displayed.

02. In the Time field and the Notes field, select the re-

gion that you wish to edit.

03. In the Edit sq field and the Tr field on the right, select

the sequence and track that you wish to edit.

When the MIDI track is selected, the Amount field
is displayed. Set the amount of the transpose in the
Amount field. The unit of the amount is semi tone.

When the DRUM track is selected, the Pad field is
displayed. You can change the selected pad event
to another pad event. To do this, select the pad event
you wish to change in the Notes field and then se-
lect the destined Pad in the Pad field.

In the Edit sq field and Tr field, you can select ALL
by turning the DATA wheel.
When you select ALL, the Transpose is performed
on all sequence or all tracks.

Note : When you select ALL, the Transpose is performed only in

the MIDI tracks, not in theDRUM tracks.

04. Press the [F6] (DO IT) key.

The MPC1000 will start processing your changes.