Chapter 5 : step editing, About step edit, Screens – Akai MPC 1000 User Manual

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MPC1000 v2 Operator’s Manual rev 1.0


Chapter 5 : Step editing

There are two ways to edit sequences. You can select a region and edit several events at one time, or you can edit each event
in detail. In this section, you will learn about the STEP EDIT mode, where you can edit each event in detail.

About step edit

Each track has the performance data you made with pads, or MIDI note information from an external MIDI keyboard. The
Step Edit function allows you to edit each event separately. There are other types of events than Pad and MIDI note informa-
tion. There are also events specific to the MPC1000, such as Q-Link slider information and tempo information, and MIDI
events such as pitch bend and modulation wheel.

Step edit is done in the STEP EDIT mode, which is accessed by pressing the [MODE] key and then [PAD 14].


Now field

The time display on the upper left corner on the screen
is the Now field. The Now field always displays the
current position of a sequence. This is the same as the
Now field in the MAIN page.

View field

You can set the type of events to display in the event
list in this field. The event list displays only the events
set in this field. It is useful when you wish to edit only
specific events.

Event list

The event list is displayed below the Now field and the View field. It lists the
events within the active track.

Event time field

The event time field is displayed to the left of the event list. It displays the posi-
tions of the events within the track.

Event field

The Event field is displayed to the right of the event time field. The display differs
depending on the type of event. You can change the value by moving the cursor.