YSI 6000UPG User Manual
Page 90

Select this option to display the name of the current active definition.
Select this option to retrieve an old definition.
Select this option to create a new report and plot format which you will specify by variation of the
current format after the new format has been named. For example, if you want to report and plot
only dissolved oxygen readings in mg/L for your study instead of all parameters, first create a new
definition at the prompt by typing “DO” (or any other designation of your choice). Then exit the
definition menu by pressing Esc. Scroll to the Parameters menu and eliminate all parameters
except DO, mg/L. This data presentation can then be reported, plotted, or exported, but more
importantly, if you return to this data file at a later time, the “DO” definition can always be selected
to provide this same data format since it has been saved under its own designation.
Remember: Always name the new definition in the “create new designation” option prior to making
changes which will define the new format.
Select this option to change the name of the active definition.
Select this option to remove the active definition from the file.
Active definition:
Select a definition:
Create new definition:
Rename active definition:
Delete active definition: