YSI 6000UPG User Manual
Page 9

Sensor Type............Calculated from conductivity and temperature
Range......................0 to 70 ppt
Accuracy.................+/- 1.0% of reading or 0.1 ppt, whichever is greater
Resolution...............0.01 ppt
Sensor Type...........Glass combination electrode
Range.....................2 to 14 units
Accuracy................+/- 0.2 units
Resolution..............0.01 units
pH - Low Ionic Strength
Sensor Type...........Glass combination electrode with open junction and low impedance glass
Range.....................2 to 14 units
Accuracy................+/- 0.2 units
Resolution..............0.01 units
Sensor type............ Platinum ring
Range.....................-999 to +999 mV
Accuracy................+/-20 mV
Resolution...............0.1 mV
Sensor Type...........Ion selective electrode
Range.....................0 to 200 mg/L-N
Accuracy................ +/- 10% of reading or 2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution..............0.1 mg/L
Sensor Type...........Ion selective electrode
Range.....................0 to 200 mg/L-N
Accuracy................ +/- 10% of reading or 2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution..............0.1 mg/L
Sensor Type...........Calculated from ammonium, pH, and temperature
Range.....................0 to 200 mg/L-N
Accuracy................ +/- 10% of reading or 2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution..............0.1 mg/L
Sensor Type...........Optical, 90 degree scatter, mechanical cleaning
Range.....................0 to 1000 NTU
Accuracy................ +/- 5% of reading or 2 NTU, whichever is greater
Resolution..............0.1 NTU