YSI 6000UPG User Manual
Page 171
Error Table continued...
ERROR: Need 2 at same conc
A 3 point ammonium or nitrate calibration requires that two
of the three calibration solutions be of the same
concentration, but of significantly different temperature.
ERROR: Illegal value
During calibration an illegal value has been entered.
ERROR: Cal canceled by user
User has canceled calibration.
ERROR(038): FDDT allocation
Internal error.
ERROR(039): Unformatted Flash disk
Flash disk has never been formatted or has been corrupted.
Format the flash disk.
ERROR(040): File not found
Incorrect file number.
ERROR(041): Invalid file number
Incorrect file number.
ERROR(042): Unable to create new file
Number of files in Flash disk has reached 23. The Flash disk
can only hold a maximum of 23 files including all erased
files. Upload all existing files then format the Flash disk.
ERROR(043): Flash disk full
Flash disk is full. Upload all existing files then format the
Flash disk.
ERROR(044): BAD Flash disk. Check Vpp
Fatal hardware failure. Programming voltage failed. Check
battery voltage.
ERROR(045): End-of-file
Internal error.
ERROR(046): Bad Flash disk block
Internal error.
ERROR(047): Invalid block number
Internal error.
ERROR(048): Unexpected end-of-file
Internal error.
ERROR(049): Bad file link
Internal error.
ERROR(050): Unknown trap service
Internal error.
ERROR(051): Invalid record number
Internal error.
ERROR(052): Bad record
Internal error.
ERROR(053): Unable to format Flash disk
Flash disk is degrading. System failed to format Flash disk.
Reformat Flash disk.
ERROR(054): Flash disk test fail
Fatal hardware failure; if Flash disk format was successful
but Flash disk test failed.
ERROR(055): File not found
Internal error.
ERROR(056): No active file
Tried to close an unopened file.
ERROR(057): Kermit upload canceled
Kermit file transfer has detected an aborted sequence.
ERROR(058): Kermit upload timeout
Kermit file transfer timeout. Communication link is broken
or the host system failed to initiate a Kermit receiving
ERROR(059): Unattended mode active
Tried to run a conditional sample while the system is in
unattended mode.
ERROR(060): File open
When the Model 6000 is in unattended mode or the 1st data
point is logged to flash disk from either a discrete or
unconditional sample, the system time and date and sensor
setup are not accessible.
ERROR(061): Discrete sample not active
Internal error.
ERROR(062): Stop time less than start time
Internal error.
ERROR(063): Stop time less than current time
Internal error.
ERROR(064): Unknown
Internal error.