YSI 6000UPG User Manual
Page 161

dissolved oxygen, pH reference, and pH glass) in the bulkhead. Remove the reference module,
store it as described below, and plug the open port with the insert which was provided. Make
certain that the dissolved oxygen sensor has an undamaged membrane and electrolyte in place.
Place approximately 300 mL of tap water in the storage vessel, insert the sonde, and seal the
vessel with the cap and O-ring. Do not use deionized or distilled water in this case, as it may
damage the pH glass sensor which must remain in the sonde.
600 (with Combination pH Sensor) -- Instruments of this design were generally sold prior to
January, 1996 and can be identified by the presence of only 3 probes (temperature, dissolved
oxygen, pH) in the bulkhead Make certain that the dissolved oxygen sensor has an undamaged
membrane and electrolyte in place. Fill the provided storage vessel with a solution which is 2
molar (2 M) in potassium chloride (KCl) to a level which completely covers the dissolved oxygen
and pH probes. See the following section for instructions on preparation of the KCl storage
solution. Seal the vessel with the cap and O-ring.
The following sections provide additional details on the storage of individual sensors associated
with instruments in the EMS product line from YSI.
No special precautions are required. Sensors can be stored dry or wet, as long as solutions in
contact with thermistor probe are not corrosive (for example, chlorine bleach).
No special precautions are required. Sensors can be stored dry or wet, as long as solutions in
contact with thermistor probe are not corrosive (for example, chlorine bleach). However, it is
recommended that the sensor be cleaned with the provided brush prior to long term storage.