Top Flite TOPA0120 User Manual

Page 6

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Remember: Take your time and follow
directions to end up with a well-built model that
is straight and true





The recommended engine size range is as

.60 to .91 cu. in. 2-cycle
.90 to .120 cu. in. 4-cycle
The Warhawk will fly well with any of the

recommended engines. The 4-Cycle engines and
most .90 2-Cycle engines will turn a larger prop at
lower RPM’s. This is often desirable for scale
realism. Many .60 2-Cycle engines produce about
as much horsepower as the popular .90 2-Cycle
engines and will fly the Warhawk fine. If you use a
.60 2-Cycle, a Schnuerle ported engine is
preferred. The prototype P-40 with all of the
options, including flaps, retracts, drop tank, paint
etc., has been flown with an O.S. .61 SF. This
combination works fine and gives very realistic

scale power. Most modelers are accustomed to a
larger power reserve and would probably prefer
more power if they load up their P-40 with all of the

Even though the P-40 is designed to house the

engine inverted, a modeler desiring a more
utilitarian setup can mount his engine with the
cylinder head sticking out the right side of the
model. The same engine centerline should be

The mount selection is up to you. If you use an

O.S. 1.20 4-cycle, the plans show (and the firewall
is spaced for) a J-tec No. JT-122 SV (JTEG8450).
The included mount will hold many 2-Cycle
engines such as the O.S. .61 SF.

A special muffler and header is available that

will fit inside your cowling. It is primarily designed
for 2-cycle engines mounted inverted.

*Header for O.S. .61SF (TOPQ7920)
*Header for SuperTigre S61K & S75K


*Muffler for above (TOPQ7915)


The choice whether or not to use fixed gear or

retracts is up to you. Retracts offer good looks and
great flight realism with the added expense and
complication. The model is designed to use the
Robart #615 (ROBQ1815) rotating retracts, as
these offer the easiest installation and most
reliable operation. More information on retracts is
found in the “Tips for Competition Minded
Modelers” section and in the construction
sequence. For item numbers, see "Other Items
Required", page 7.


The true scale tire size is 4-5/8”. The

recommended range of tire sizes is 3-1/4” to 4”.
The 4” wheels fit comfortably into the wing when

retracted. If you use fixed gear, you may choose
to use the smaller tires to reduce drag in the air.
Robart 4" (ROBQ1537) main wheels are very close
to scale appearance for a P-40. A 1-1/4” tail wheel
is scale and recommended.


This model is designed to incorporate split

flaps that are very scale. They are not difficult to
assemble, but they do require good craftsmanship
if they are to fit well. They add a good deal to the
model’s flight characteristics and scale appeal
while causing no bad effects. No trim correction of
any kind is needed when they are used with the
recommended throws. The flaps add drag and lift
to the model on landing approaches, which gives
the plane a very steady, locked-in feel. The flaps
require one channel, a Y-harness, and two
standard or mini servos. They are highly
recommended for those who wish to install them.
More information on the use of the flaps may be
found in the

Flying Section.


P-40s in combat used drop tanks most of the

time. Top Flite has made a correctly sized,
vacuum-formed drop tank available for your
warbird. The tank comes with a release
mechanism and is easy to assemble and install.
The drop tank will add a great deal of realism to
your Warhawk. Part #TOPQ7900


When displaying your model, nothing adds

more realism than a good looking scale propeller.
Top Flite has a 3-bladed scale propeller available
for your P-40. Remember, this propeller is for
static display only; do not attempt to run the engine
with it mounted. Part # TOPQ7907

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NOTE: We, as the kit manufacturer, can
provide you with a top quality kit and great
instructions, but ultimately the quality and
flyability of your finished model depends on
how you build it. Therefore, we cannot in any
way guarantee the performance of your
completed model, and no representations are
expressed or implied as to the performance or
safety of your completed model.