Finish preparation, Finishing – Top Flite TOPA0120 User Manual

Page 45

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9. Place the die-cut 1/8” plywood Pod Mounts

at the rear of the gear pods, against the landing
gear support braces. The gear pods must be
installed over the landing gear mounts on the wing.
Tack glue the plywood Pod Mounts to the Gear

10. Mark and Drill 1/8” clearance holes in the

Pod Mounts only.

11. Install the Gear Pods over the landing gear

mounts on the wing. Transfer the mounting holes
of the pod mounts to the landing gear supports on
the wing.

12. Drill 5/64” holes in the landing gear

supports. Use #4 sheet metal screws to secure
the landing gear pods in place.



Nearly every imperfection in your wood

structure will show through the covering material;
therefore, before covering, you should make a final
check of the entire structure. Fix any “dings,” then
sand the entire structure smooth using
progressively finer grades of sandpaper.


Fuel proofing may be done after covering.

1. Fuel proof the firewall area and the inside of

the cowl top. Grey (mix black and white) K&B
epoxy paint or 30-minute epoxy is recommended.

2. Fuel proof the inside of the fuselage forward

of F-3 and the wing saddle area. 30 minute epoxy
and a bent epoxy brush was used for this on the

3. Fuel proof any external exposed wood (e.g.,

flap pushrod exits).


SPECIAL NOTE: Do not confuse this
procedure with “checking the C.G.” or
“balancing the airplane fore and aft.”
That very important step will be
covered later in the manual.

Now that you have the basic airframe nearly

completed, this is a good time to balance the
airplane laterally (side-to-side). Here is how to do

1. Temporarily attach the wing and engine

(with muffler) to the fuselage.

2. With the wing level, lift the model by the

engine propeller shaft and the fin post (this may
require two people). Do this several times.

3. If one wing always drops when you lift the

model, it means that side is heavy. Balance the
airplane by gluing weight to the other wing tip.
NOTE: An airplane that has been laterally
balanced will track better in loops and other


1. Mark on the lower wing skin the location of

your strut and tire. Make a small cut-out to confirm
the correct location.

2. Gradually increase the size of the cut-out

until the strut and wheel fit properly.

4. You may make wheel well liners from

vertical grain 1/64” plywood (supplied) -OR- you
may leave your wheel wells open.

5. Fuel proof the inside of the wing.

6. Hook up the air lines to the retracts and

route them to the center of the wing.

7. Bolt in the retracts, hook them up, and test

their operation.


The P-40 requires painting to obtain the

scheme shown on the box. There are other
schemes used on P-40s which would not require
as much painting; however, most of these are not
as attractive.

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