TeeJet Swath XL SmartPad II User Manual

Page 130

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Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance
Lightbar Index

SmartPad II

Software Version 4.03

Area Applied: A user defined lightbar message indicating
the current amount of area applied in Acres. System unit set
to US.

Area Applied: A user defined lightbar message indicating
the current amount of area applied in Hectares. System unit
set to Metric.

Applied Area Detection: This message is displayed when
the vehicle is with in a previously applied area. Note the
Red stop lights are illuminated. At this point an alarm
should sound. See “Applied Area Detection” on page 3-63.

Curved guidance information graphics. The four horizontal
bars in the text display represent a perspective view of the
swath ahead of the vehicle. The bars will skew left or right
to represent the curved path ahead.

Hazard Detection: The name of the hazard is displayed
when the vehicle is approaching an existing hazard. Note
the Yellow stop lights are illuminated indicating the initial
warning. See “Hazard Detection” on page 3-72.

Hazard Detection: The name of the hazard is displayed
when the vehicle is approaching an existing hazard. Note
the Red stop lights are illuminated indicating the final warn-
ing. See “Hazard Detection” on page 3-72.

Mapping Boundary: This message is displayed when the
user is mapping the field boundary. The arrow symbol on
the left indicates the field boundary is on the left side of the
vehicle. See “Creating a Field Boundary” on page 3-65.

Mapping Boundary: This message is displayed when the
user is mapping the field boundary. The arrow symbol on
the right indicates the field boundary is on the right side of
the vehicle. See “Creating a Field Boundary” on page 3-65.

System Warning: The message is displayed when there is
loss of GPS differential corrections. Guidance calculations
are stopped until differential corrections resume.

System Warning: This message is displayed when there is a
complete loss of GPS signal to the GPS receiver or Smart-
Pad II. Guidance calculations are stopped until DGPS signal

Lightbar State


Table 3-17: SmartPad II Swath XL / GuideLine Lightbar Index