TeeJet Swath XL SmartPad II User Manual

Page 104

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Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance
The Curved A-B Guidance Mode

SmartPad II

Software Version 4.03

The lightbar now displays . The next step is to establish guideline point B. To do this, press the Enter
button as the vehicle passes over the desired B location. This establishes the reference guideline. The lightbar starts
displaying X-Track guidance information as well as any user selected messages defined in Lightbar setup “Lightbar
Setup” on page 3-25.

When the reference guideline is established, the operator can begin driving Curve AB guidance. The CenterLine soft-
ware detects which guideline is closest to the centerline of the vehicle and provides guidance information with respect
to that line. As the vehicle moves across the field Figure 3-65 new guidelines, parallel to the reference guideline, are
established based on the swath width value entered in Guidance setup. When making a turn at the end of the field, the
lightbar displays the distance to the next swath Figure 3-67.

Figure 3-67: Guidance to Next Swath