Mark point b – TeeJet Swath XL SmartPad II User Manual

Page 101

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SmartPad II

Software Version 4.03

Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance


The Parallel Guidance Mode

Figure 3-61 shows the guideline point A in the view page. Note the A button in the button bar automatically changes
to the guideline point B button and the lightbar displays the MARK B message.

Mark Point B

The next step is to establish guideline point B. To establish guideline point B highlight the B button in the button bar

and press

. The B point will be displayed in the view page. This establishes the initial swath baseline. Figure 3-62

shows the initial baseline with the A and B points. Once the baseline is established the lightbar will begin displaying
the user defined messages that were selected in the setup process. In Figure 3-62, the top lightbar displays the Swath
message "MARK B" and the lower lightbar displays the X-Track message in the left display A-B is highlighted, this
button allows the operator to mark a new A-B line. A warning will appear before the new line is created

Figure 3-62: Initial Guideline Established