Remote login via ssh – SV1641HDIE User Manual
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Instruction Manual
Remote Login via SSH
You can also use a standard SSH client to access the R-Port options if you wish to avoid
using the Java-based SSH client in the Web interface. Simply use your SSH client (several
freeware packages are available for download, along with commercial applications) and
connect to the IP address of the IP KVM switch using port 22 (default).
Log in to the SSH session as admin using the same password as the Web interface. At
the command prompt type connect x (where x is the number of the R-Port devices you
wish to manage). Alternatively, you can enter the command connect -l to see a list of
active devices.
Operating Notes
• If the power supply to the R-Port modules you have connected becomes faulty
(short, overload) then the R-Port LED on the front panel of the IP KVM switch will
show red. Under normal operations, this light should remain green. The R-Port
connector on the rear panel also has an LED that mirrors the status of the light on
the front panel. (Note: The rear LED status was reversed on some early units, where
red=normal and green=fault. This does not affect operation in any way, but a green
LED on the front panel and a red LED on the rear panel indicates that you have one
of these units.)
• Hardware handshaking (CTS/RTS) is required for speeds exceeding 9600 bps. It is
enabled by default on the IP KVM switch, but may need to be enabled on the other
end of the connection. For Unix systems, the command is:
stty –crtscts < /dev/[serial port]
• A maximum of four users may simultaneously login to the same module. All users may
type commands at any time, and all users will see the same output. Note the following:
• All users have equal access to all channels.
• A maximum of 16 R-Port modules may be connected at any one time.
• You plug-in and unplug any R-Port module at any time. When reconnected, it will
automatically become available after a 15 second initialization period. Any log
entries will be retained by the R-Port module while deactivated, but will not be
available to users until it is re-initialized