Run mode activation – Jaypro Sports MHWM-D-A User Manual

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© 2005 Jaypro Sports Equipment JSL-Inst001 Rev G 10-24-2006

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14. Run Mode Activation

a. Press ENT button on controller display to change to Run mode as shown here. Be sure to press

ENT again to stop character from blinking and to lock it into the Run mode.

Figure 35: Main Menu - Run Mode

b. Run load bar down until it reaches lower limits. This step is important as it locks in the

operating range of the system.

c. Controller has now been successfully programmed. Operate the unit several times up and down

to verify the limits are behaving appropriately and the load bar remains level.

d. Press NEXT button once to see following screen:

Figure 36: Run Mode - Counter Display at Lower Limit

(Note: The number ‘454’ in this screen varies for each installation. This is basically the
motor counter, and will differ according to structure height.)

e. This screen will also display actual motor counter settings as unit is raised and lowered:

Figure 37: Run Mode - Counter Display During Operation

(Note: The numbers 73 and 74 here indicate the unit has been raised some distance
from the bottom. This will continuously change as the unit continues to be raised or
lowered. The difference between the motor counters is nothing to be concerned with, the
unit is self-leveling and if the two winches should ever become out of sync by more than
4 or 5 counts, the controller will shut one motor off for just a moment to allow the other
winch to catch up, ensuring level operation for the life of the unit.)


indicates controller is in

Run mode.

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