Programming the controller – Jaypro Sports MHWM-D-A User Manual

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© 2005 Jaypro Sports Equipment JSL-Inst001 Rev G 10-24-2006

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13. Programming the Controller

a. Using the key switch, run load bar down until unit reaches lower limits.

b. Press NEXT or PREV buttons to access main menu again:

Figure 33: Main Menu

c. Change to SETUP mode by pressing the ENT button, then the arrow buttons until a 1 is

displayed. Press ENT again to stop character from blinking, and to lock it into that mode.

d. Run load bar until unit reaches upper limits.

e. Run load bar back down approximately 12” and STOP. Important: You must run the load bar

down far enough to move the winch off the upper limits, plus at least 6” more. Following is
simply a description of the operating limits. Proceed to Step 14 for Run Mode Activation at this

This will be the position unit is stored at when in the up position, and will be considered the ‘soft’
limit by the unit controller. Unit will not reach the hard limits again unless a fault situation arises,
or the setup procedure is again initialized. See drawing below to understand the function of the
overall system.

i. At the bottom, the limit switches internal to the winch (hard limits) stop both winches

independently. This means both hoists will continue to operate in the downward direction,
as long as the key switch is held on, until they contact their own internal limit switch.
This is how the system resets its counter for each cycle.

ii. At the top, the winches are stopped at the same time by the software program running in

the control panel. These are referred to as ‘soft’ limits.

iii. Above the soft limits, there is a buffer zone or space that exists between the soft limits

and the elevation at which the winch internal limits will be reached. This in effect creates
a redundant stop that is a safety feature unique to Jaypro’s mat hoist system. Should the
load bar ever travel past the soft limits, upon reaching either of the two winch’s hard
limits both winches will be stopped.

Figure 34: Operating Range Between Limits


indicates controller is in

Setup mode.

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