Controls/indicators available in regular view only, Controls/indicators available in fx/send view only – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual

Page 59

background image

Controls/indicators available in Regular view only

Channel Image

The channel image serves several purposes.
Firstly, it makes it easier to visualize the purpose of each channel – for kit-piece direct channels, the loaded kit-piece is shown. If
a kit-piece direct channel exists for which a kit-piece is not yet loaded (for example snare1 bleed channels when nothing has been
loaded into the snare1 slot), a generic image of a direct mic is shown. The other channels show images of relevant mics or other
studio equipment – see section 3:3 for examples of the images shown for each type of channel.
Clicking the image results in the channel being selected.

Kit-piece direct mic channels
The channel image has two extra functions for kit-piece direct
• ALT-clicking the image results in a preview of the kit-piece’s

main articulation at a velocity of 95.

• Double-clicking an image brings up the kit-piece chooser for

that channel, meaning that you can load kit-pieces from the
chooser panel without switching back to the Kit page first.
Note that you can also load kit-pieces using the kit-piece
quick-load controls in the Kit-Piece inspector, part of the
Mixer page’s Utility panel.

FX/Sends power indicators

These 2 banks of 4 vertical LED indicators show the current
on/off state of the channel’s 4 FX slots (left bank) and 4 sends
(right bank).

Controls/indicators available in FX/Send
view only

The FX/Sends mixer view contains all the displays and con-
trols available in Easy view, although faders and meters are
much smaller. It also features the following additional controls:

FX slots

There are 4 insert points, called FX (effects) slots, available
on each channel. A variety of FX, such as track and bus
compressors, EQs and filters, and others including phaser,
flanger, delay, distortion, chorus and more.



Each FX slot features a button to turn it on or off. Turn off an effect to bypass it.
If you ALT-click any button, all FX slots in the channel are turned on. ALT-click any button again to turn
off all slots.

FX Selector
Click on a slot to display the FX menu. All available FX are shown in the menu - select one by moving
the mouse over the desired effect and releasing the mouse button. To remove any FX from the slot,
select ‘[none]’ in the FX menu.
The 4 FX for the currently selected channel are displayed in the FX Rack. Refer to section 3:7 for more
details on the FX rack and other aspects of using and managing FX.
Please see chapter 12 – in particular sections 12:3 to 12:6 – for more details on using BFD2’s FX suite.
The following FX are available for mono and stereo



Comp Chan

Comp Bus










Noise Gate

FX power

Send power &

source routing


FX slot/selector

Send level