Flanger, Chorus – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual

Page 175

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The Flanger effect is a short modulated delay line with feedback to the input. It is used for a
sense of movement and for psychedelic effects from the subtle to the extreme.
The modulation source is a sine LFO with adjustable frequency.


The Freq (frequency) control affects the speed of modulation of the delay time.


The Depth control adjusts the amount of modulation of the delay time.


The needle display in the Flanger effect represents the current delay time.


This is a fixed delay time which is added to the delay time which is modulated by the internal LFO. It is a very short delay, ranging
from 0 ms to 15 ms.


This control adjusts the amount of the flanged signal that is fed back into the input.
Higher feedback settings result in a more pronounced flanging effect. Settings over 50% lead to extreme comb filter type effects.

Spread (stereo only)

This control allows you to adjust the panning of the left and right channel processed signals.

Phase (stereo only)

The Phase control offsets the phase of the internal LFOs for the left and right channels.


By default (with this button turned off), the flanged signal is in positive phase with the input signal.
Enabling this button results in the flanged signal is out of phase with the input signal.
A positive phase setting tends to lead to a more obvious flanging effect.


The Chorus effect is a modulation effect that is pitch-based. It is used for thickening up


The Freq (frequency) control affects the speed of pitch modulation.


The Depth control adjusts the amount of modulation away from the input signal’s original


The needle display in the Chorus effect represents the speed and depth of modulation in relation to the original pitch (the centre

Spread (stereo only)

This control varies the panning of the left and right pitch-modulated signals.