4 introduction to the bfd2 interface, Control conventions – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual

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1:4 Introduction to the BFD2 interface

Control conventions


Faders are controlled by clicking and dragging vertically.
Faders are oriented vertically but some controls, such as the send level controls in the FX/Sends mixer view, are
horizontally aligned but are still controlled by clicking and dragging vertically.


Knobs are controlled by clicking and dragging vertically (up/down) by default.
This can be changed to circular motion in the GUI preferences or with the startup wizard.


Graphs can be oriented

horizontally or vertically. They can be adjusted in 2 ways:

• Click anywhere over the range to jump to a value.

• Hover the mouse near the current value and click and drag in the axis in which the

graph is oriented (horizontally or vertically). This method is much like using the graph


a fader.

Fine control and returning to default values

• Holding down the SHIFT key while adjusting a knob, fader or graph gives you fine control.
• Double-click a knob, fader or graph to return it to its default value.

Drop-down menus

These are indicated by a downward-facing triangle – click to display the menu.
Click a menu item to select it and hide the menu again, or click elsewhere to just hide the menu.
Other drop-down menus do exist, located on buttons for example. These are detailed in the

manual where necessary.

Numerical value boxes

These can be adjusted in 2 ways:
• click and drag vertically to adjust the current value.
• double-click the box, type a new value and press ENTER or RETURN.


Right-clicks are used in several parts of the BFD2 interface, particularly for accessing context menus and the secondary tool in
the Groove editing environment.
If you use a Mac and do not have access to a 2-button mouse, you can access right-click functions by holding down the CTRL
key while clicking your mouse button. However, a 2-button mouse is highly recommended!
Some keyboard shortcut that operate with the CTRL key on Windows are accessed on Mac by using the COMMAND key instead.
This is also known as the APPLE key.

Vertical fader movement

Vertical knob movement

Jumping to a graph value

Adjusting with click and drag

Click to display the menu

Click any item to select it

Double-click to type a value

Click and drag vertically

to adjust