Getting further help with bfd2 – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual
Page 23

When moving a control I like to drag... [up and down / around (circular)]
Setting this item to ‘up and down’ requires vertical mouse movement to adjust circular knobs in BFD2, while setting it to ‘around
(circular)’ requires circular mouse movement. The preference that this item affects – Circular knob movement – is located in the
BFD2 GUI preferences.
My main host application is... [BFD2 Standalone / various plugin hosts]
This item affects the -2 octave numbering and -1 octave numbering settings in the BFD2 GUI preferences. If you select the BFD2
standalone here, the -2 octave system of note numbering is used. If you choose one of the other hosts in the list, the note num-
bering preferences are set accordingly.
I am a... [keyboard/finger drummer / e-drummer / drum programmer]
I use a... [various MIDI controller hardware keymaps]
These items in the wizard specify how you are going to control BFD2. Depending on the setting specified for the first item, a
number of hardware controller keymaps are listed in the second item.
Note that BFD2 overrides this setting if you subsequently load a new keymap, or if you set up a startup Preset with different key-
map settings.
Getting further help with BFD2
Further information and help about BFD2 can be found at the webpage. Internet shortcuts to all of these help
methods are available on the BFD2 Help menu:
1. Launch online FAQ:
The FAQ is often updated with late-breaking information about BFD2. This includes common solutions to problems which are not
covered in the manual – for example installation and authorization issues.
2. Launch online forum:
Our forum is frequented by our programming and technical support teams, as well as knowledgable and experienced users of
BFD2. If you have a query which is not covered in the provided documentation or webpage FAQs, you can often find an answer
in the forum after a quick search. It is also possible to obtain answers to new questions from other users out of our usual office
3. Launch online support:
If all other help resources have not yielded answers to your questions, you can fill out a technical support request in the Support
section at
You must register your copy of BFD2 before you can obtain technical support.