Kit-piece inspector – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual
Page 143

Hihat choke fade settings
The hihat has more choke fade settings than other kit-pieces, because of its more complex nature. The default Hihat choke fade
settings should be adequate for most purposes, using both e-drums and more conventional input means. Please see 10:5 for
more details about the fade settings.
The default values are as follows:
Hihat choke fade (base)
Hihat choke fade (range)
Hihat closed tip choke fade
Hihat pedal choke fade
These settings tell BFD to only perform a fast choke on a playing hihat articulation if a pedal note (usually G#1) is received (it also
performs a fast choke on closed tip articulations – more on that later). Most drum brains send out a pedal note when the hihat
pedal is fully depressed, in addition to the MIDI controller messages for pedal movement.
Everything else is choked much more slowly, allowing more natural cymbal-style choking for open hihat sounds. meaning that
BFD won’t choke hats when drum brains send out masses of MIDI notes because of cross-talk between zones etc.
Additionally, there is a separate choke fade setting for closed tip sounds. This is provided for keyboard drummers and program-
mers who are unfamiliar with needing to choke an open hat with a pedal sound.
You may find that your e-drum system is demonstrating a lot of cross-talk between hihat zones and perhaps sending out unde-
sired closed tip notes. If this is the case, try increasing the Hihat closed tip choke fade setting to a larger value.
Please also note that since the closed shank articulation is quite a splashy sound, not unlike a 1/4-open tip, it is treated as an
‘open’ articulation - i.e. it won’t have a fast choke unless the global hihat fade choke fade settings are set to small values.
Kit-piece Inspector
Amplitude scaling with velocity
If you’re accustomed to the way that e-drums’ onboard sounds respond, you may
want to add some amplitude scaling over the velocity range. By default, BFD2’s
sounds are played at natural recorded levels, with the kit-piece struck at varying inten-
sities to form the velocity layers.
While it is difficult to achieve on a real kit, you may require a more linear scaling of
loudness when playing an e-drum hihat, as it can simply feel more playable, probably due to limited dynamic response of trigger-
ing technology. If this is the case, you can increase the Vel to Amp parameter for the hihat articulations.
This control is located in the Kit-Piece Inspector in the Kit view. To set it for all hihat articulations, select the hihat kit-piece in the
Kit view, and in the Kit-Piece Inspector’s Articulation selector, choose ‘All articulations’. Then increase the Vel to Amp parameter
to dial in the amount of scaling required.
Levels of different hihat articulations
You may want to adjust the levels of the different hihat articulations in relation to each other. This can be achieved using the ‘Artic
Trim’ control in the Kit-Piece Inspector (in the Kit view).