FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual
Page 44

Vel to Amp default
During the BFD2 setup wizard which runs when you first launch BFD2, you
are asked if you want an amplitude-scaled response. Your choice initializes
the state of the Vel to Amp default amount preference.
If you choose a natural response – a Vel to Amp setting of 0% – there is
no amplitude scaling with different velocities within BFD2: the velocity layer
samples, played at varying degrees of force, take care of the ‘loudness’ over
the velocity range.
If you choose an amplitude-scaled response during the setup wizard, the Vel
to Amp default is set to +100%. This means that the amplitude scales down to silence over the velocity range.
Setting up this preference is a good idea if you want to have a more ‘conventional’ dynamic response for BFD2’s sounds without
having to set the Vel to Amp parameter for each articulation in each kit-piece after you load it, or load a suitable kit-piece preset.
This preference can be fine-tuned in the Engine preferences, where you can specify a default Vel to Amp amount between -100%
and +100%.
Vel to Tune
This control allows the tuning of each articulation to vary depending on the incoming note velocity.
There are a lot of uses for this control, from extreme creative effects to very subtle changes which can give some extra character
to the sound of the kit.
Settings range from -100% to 100%. This parameter can have positive and negative values for increases and decreases in pitch
with higher velocities.
Vel to Damp
Adjusting this setting allows the amount of damping applied to the articulation to be varied according to the velocity of incoming
note events.
Any changes in the damping applied to each articulation as a result of this parameter are relative to the kit-piece’s overall damp-
ing amount setting.
Settings range from -100% to 100%. This parameter can have positive and negative values for increases and decreases in the
damping amount with higher velocities.
The Vel RND control allows you to control the amount of humanization applied to each articulation of a kit-piece when using any
of the humanization features in BFD2.
Settings range from 0% to 100%. To turn off randomization completely for an articulation, set this parameter to 0%.
It can be useful to turn off randomization for articulations or kit-pieces when using lower Max velocity layers and detail settings
– randomization in these cases can sound unnatural and intrusive.