FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual
Page 20

you click ‘Yes’, the preset file and its associated photo are deleted from the
the preset’s files remain untouched. If you leave user kit files on disk, they are scanned during the next full rescan of the database
(Trash and rebuild all databases in the BFD2 Data preferences).
BFD2 never prompts to delete factory-installed Preset files.
Note that this function always leaves the actual kit-piece audio files untouched – if you want to delete these to recoup hard disk
space, you must go into BFD2’s audio folder and delete the relevant folders.
Sticky button
Enabling the Sticky button results in the Preset chooser panel remaining open after a Preset is loaded.
This is useful if, for example, BFD2 is being played via MIDI and you want to repeatedly change Presets until you find
what you need. Clicking the Sticky button saves you having to keep opening the Preset chooser panel.
Load selective elements from Presets
A BFD2 Preset stores all of the following constituent elements:
• Kit (kit-pieces and kit-piece setups)
• Mixer
• Groove Palette, Drum Track and other Groove page settings
• MIDI keymap
• Automation map – MIDI CC, note and host automation assignments
• Session preferences
A button is provided for each of these elements in the Preset chooser panel, with the exception of embedded Session prefer-
ences. Each of these buttons, when enabled, tells BFD2 to load that constituent element of the preset. If an element’s button is
disabled, it is not loaded from the preset.
For example, if you’re working in a session with the Grooves that you want, but you merely want to try out different kit and mixer
settings from various Presets, simply disable the Grooves button – the current Palette in the Grooves page is unaffected when the
new kit and mixer settings are loaded.
By default, the MIDI Map and MIDI CCs buttons are disabled, because you would normally want to stick with the same MIDI map-
pings when trying Presets.
Load BFD1
Original BFD 1.x Programs are very different types of files to the Preset files used in BFD2. Because of this
they are not shown in the Preset chooser panel, even if you have specified a BFD data path containing valid
BFD 1.x Programs files.
However, BFD2 gives you the ability to load a BFD program file through an additional file load dialog. To do this, click the Load
BFD1 button to bring up a system file open dialog. Then browse to and select the BFD1 program file that you want to import.
After the program file has been loaded in this way, it is recommended that you re-save it as a BFD2 Preset, in order to be able to
load it easily from the Preset chooser panel.
Load / Cancel buttons
To load the currently selected preset, click the Load button.
You can also load any preset by double-clicking it in the listing.
If you change your mind and decide you don’t want to load a new preset, click the Cancel button.
Keyboard operation
You can navigate around the available presets with the cursor (arrow) keys.
The selected preset can be deleted from the database by pressing the DELETE key.
Load the selected preset by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.
To exit the Preset chooser panel without loading anything, press the ESC key.