Basic kit-piece controls – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual
Page 41
Next/Previous buttons
Clicking these buttons steps through to the next or previous available preset. They offer a
quick way of cycling through presets with the minimum of effort.
Saving kit-piece presets
In order to save the currently selected kit-piece’s settings as a preset, click the Save button
on BFD2’s control-bar. Click on ‘Save kit-piece preset’ from the Save menu that appears.
A system file save dialog is shown, allowing you to name and save your preset. It is recom-
mended that you save the preset in the default folder which is shown, so that it is acces-
sible from the preset browser.
Kit-piece presets are not part of the BFD2 database. They are stored in the following folder:
Basic kit-piece controls
The trim control is a global volume control for the kit-piece. Adjusting it affects
the level of all the kit-piece’s mic channels equally. You can think of it as a ‘pre’
volume control - it sets the level of the kit-piece at the start of the signal path,
before any routing and mixing features are applied.
This control is duplicated in the individual kit-piece slot windows.
The pan control sets the pan position of the kit-piece within the direct bus. It does not affect the stereo position of the kit-piece in
its ambience channels.
This control is duplicated in the individual kit-piece slot windows, and on the primary direct channel for the kit-piece in the Mixer
Mute & Solo
With these buttons, you can mute and solo all mic channels for the kit-piece.
These controls are duplicated in the individual kit-piece slot windows.
Flip Ambience
Because the ambient mic buses are stereo, you can encounter problems when panning the Direct mic channels for a Kit-Piece.
The position of the Kit-Piece within the stereo field of the ambient mic buses cannot be changed - this is an inherent drawback of
true stereo ambience. However, activating the Flip Ambience button results in the Kit-Piece’s Overhead, Room and PZM left/right
channels being swapped around.
Using this method, the Kit-Piece’s ambient reflections can at least be inverted if you decide to alter the direct panning so that it is
predominantly in the other half of the stereo field.
In addition you can use the Width controls in the Bus Mixer in order to manipulate the stereo properties of the ambient mic buses.