7 routing scenarios, Mic channel separation, Creating sends to an external reverb – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual

Page 179: Creating sub-mixes for processing mic channels, Together

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12:7 Routing scenarios

Creating sub-mixes for processing mic channels together

You may want to process a number of mic channels together through the same set of FX. Let’s say you want to group the kick in
and kick out channels, and apply some parallel compression to them.
• Create an aux bus and set it to mono mode.
• Set the kick in and kick out Output selector to the Aux channel you just created.
• Adjust the levels of the kick in and kick out channels to achieve the desired balance between them.
• Insert a compressor in one of the Aux channel’s FX slots and set the controls as required.
• Set the Wet/Dry blend control to achieve the desired balance between the compressed and uncompressed signal.
• There are many possibilities for sub-mixing – you may want to create stereo sub-mixes for all the toms or cymbals, for example.

By using the ambience send routing controls in the kit-piece inspector, you can even route the ambience signals for these kit-
pieces to the same aux channel, or a separate set of kit-piece specific ambience channels.

Mic channel separation

If you want to send each mic channel out of the BFD2 plugin into your host’s mixer without performing any mixing or processing in
BFD2’s mixer, proceed as follows:
• Set each kit-piece’s direct mic channels to an individual output. Since they are mono, it is recommended that you use mono

output routings.

• Set each ambience bus to a pair of stereo outputs from the plugin.
• BFD2 has 16 mono outputs and 8 stereo outputs, so if you are using a large amount of kit-pieces you need to route some direct

channels through the same outputs. You can set more than one channel to the same output, although it can be more manage-
able to route the required channels to an Aux channel to set up a sub-mix, and route this channel to the appropriate output.

• There are no rules about how you should set up your routing – everything depends on your creative needs and what you want to


• Once you have separated out the mic channels to individual outputs from BFD2, set up your host’s mixer to receive them. See

your host’s documentation for details of how your host implements this functionality – BFD2 operates in the same way as any
multiple output plugin.

• You can then process the mic channels through whatever plugins you choose in your host, route the channels out of your audio

interface’s physical outputs in order to use external processors and effects units, or simply record them as audio tracks.

Creating sends to an external reverb

If you have invested in a high quality reverb plugin or hardware unit, it is very simple to set up one of BFD2’s outputs as an exter-
nal aux send.
• Create a stereo aux channel.
• Create a send on each of the direct mic channels that you want to send to the reverb, and enable them.
• For each Send, set the Send To destination to the Aux channel you created earlier, and Set up the Send From routing and the

send level as required.

• Set the output selector of the Aux channel to one of BFD2’s stereo outputs
• Set up your host to receive this stereo output on one of its mixer channels. See your host’s documentation for details of how

your host implements this functionality – BFD2 operates in the same way as any multiple output plugin.

• You can then insert a reverb plugin on this signal, or route it from your audio interface’s physical outputs to a hardware reverb


• You can still route the original direct mic channels within BFD2 for further mixing and processing.
• The above method is usable for any type of parallel processing – for example parallel compression. Simply create the desired

mono or stereo sub-mixes using the output and/or send routing functions, and route the sub-mixes out of BFD2 for further