9 bfd2 help functions, Context info display, Tool-tips – FXpansion BFD2 Manual User Manual

Page 22: Help menu

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1:9 BFD2 Help functions

BFD2 offers a number of different help methods to make learning the software as painless as possible.

Context info display

The context info display in the BFD2 Status bar shows information about the control element currently underneath the mouse
This also displays the current values of controls, and updates to show any adjustments made while they are adjusted.


Tool-tips are shown when the mouse is hovered over a control for a definable length of time. This time is set in the BFD2 GUI
preferences, and is defined in animation frames. A setting of 25 is roughly equivalent to 1 second.
If you prefer, you can switch off tool-tips in the BFD2 GUI preferences.

Help menu

Clicking the Help button on the BFD Control bar displays the Help menu.

Launch PDF Manual

This function launches the BFD2 PDF manual in your system’s PDF reader.

Start BFD2 setup wizard

The BFD2 setup wizard is provided as an easy way to set up BFD2’s prefer-
ences in order to achieve the best performance for your particular system.
When you use the Start BFD2 setup wizard function on the Help menu, the
setup wizard panel is displayed.

Amplitude scaled response
This item affects Vel to Amp default amount setting in the BFD2 Engine preferences. With an amplitude-scaled response, the
default Vel to Amp amount is set at 50%, meaning that whenever a kit-piece is initialized – in other words, when it has just been
cleared – the Vel to Amp amount is set to 50%. Therefore, when you subsequently load a kit-piece, it is fully amplitude-scaled with
incoming velocity.
If you un-tick this checkbox, the default Vel to Amp amount is set at 0%: no amplitude scaling is applied when a slot is initialized.
If you want to specify other values for the Vel to Amp default amount preference, it is necessary to adjust the preference itself.

This computer is connected to the internet
Ticking this checkbox enables the Launch web browser for images setting in the BFD2 GUI options. This results in launching fac-
tory Groove Palette and mixer preset authors’ websites when their images are clicked on the BFD2 interface.

I have BFD 1.x installed
If this checkbox is ticked, BFD2 adds your BFD
1.x data path and imports all the kits into the
BFD2 database. If BFD2 detects a BFD1 instal-
lation on your system, this checkbox is ticked by

I like to use tool-tips
Ticking this checkbox results in tool-tips being
displayed when the mouse cursor is held over a
control for approx. 1 second. If you want to ad-
just the time it takes for tool-tips to appear, you
must edit the Tool-tip appear time setting directly
in the BFD2 GUI preferences.