Brother FAX-400 User Manual

Page 76

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Entering information

The way in which you enter numbers and names into the machine's

using the keys

memory is the same in all cases.

Entering numbers



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To enter a number into the machine, simply type in the number

using the number keys. A horizontal cursor marks the place where
the next digit you enter will be. Every time that you enter a digit, the
cursor is moved one place to the right. You can also move the cursor
left or right using the (e-/ —>) cursor keys.

Press the CLEAR key to delete the number indicated by the cursor
position, and all numbers to the right of the cursor.

To modify an existing digit, use the (<—/—>) cursor keys to move the
cursor to the position you want to modify, and input a new digit
over the old one.

You cannot insert a space into a number that has been input. You

must re-enter it with the space included.

If you do not press any key for one minute, or if you press the

STOP key, any changes you have made are disregarded and the

original number is retained.

Entering names

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To enter names, use the keys on the number keypad and (^/ ->)
cursor keys.

Either two or three letters are assigned to each key on the number

keys. Also, although they are not marked, some special characters,

punctuation marks and symbols are assigned to the keys



" * " key, and



"l"key........... A Ё 6 U iE 0


N 1

"2"key.......... ABC 2
"3"key.......... D E F 3
"4"key.......... G H I 4
"5"key.......... J K L 5
"6" key......... M N О 6
"7'key........... P R S 7
"8"key.......... T U V 8
"9"key.......... W X Y 9
"0"key.......... QZO

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"Гкеу........... :;< = > ? © [ ] ^ _
