Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual
Page 15

Client Applications
Administrator‘s Manual Version 10.0.0
Control line
default value (if control line not specified or n=0)
Password expires after n days
no password expiration
Account lockout after n bad logon
no account lockout
Minimum password length n
no minimum password length
History holds last n passwords
history length 1 (new password must be different from
current password)
The file ―+MAIL5V/App99‖ is loaded at TCOSS system start up and also when it is changed or
deleted. If it does not exist the default values apply for all parameters.
A default ―+MAIL5V/App99‖ file will be created when installing TCOSS. It contains all control
lines with n = 0. To activate any of its features simply adapt the number.
Default system file ―+MAIL5V/App99‖ (no password expiry, no account lockout, history length
Password expires after 0 days
Account lockout after 0 bad logon attempts
Minimum password length 0 characters
History holds last 0 passwords
Value restrictions:
Control line
minimum n
maximum n
Account lockout after n bad logon attempts 0
Minimum password length n characters
History holds last n passwords
If a value outside the supported range is specified it is substituted with the nearest supported
4.1.12 Retype Password
Allows the user to retype the password. Provides additional security.
4.1.13 Change Own Password
To change their own password, users must have at least the right to change their own
If a password has expired or if it was issued to change at next login, a window is shown where
users can change their password. This window also appears, if a user selects Change
Password in the Admin menu.