The difference between rom and ram machines, Ram to rom copy – Elektron Machinedrum User Manual

Page 79

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In the MODE column you choose which action you want to perform. You can RECEIVE,
SEND and ERASE and RENAME samples. In the NAME/SIZE column all loaded samples
and their respective sizes are listed. A slot that displays “--“ is empty. To the right of the
NAME/SIZE column you can see what percentage of the DSP memory remains unused.

All sample speeds from 4 kHz to 48 kHz are accepted and handled by the Machine-
drum UW. Higher rates are accepted but the samples are downsampled to half the
sampling speed. The Machinedrum UW does not handle stereo samples. All bit
depths are accepted but will be played back at 12 bit.

To preview a sample, move the focus to the NAME/SIZE column and press [FUNC-
TION] + [ENTER/YES] when the sample you want to preview is higlighted. The pre-
viewed sample will be replayed using the track currently selected.

The commands copy, clear, paste and undo are available in the sample manager.
You can, for example, copy content from the RAM machines and paste it into the
ROM slots. This is an easy way to permanently store a RAM machine recording.

Note that you actually don’t have to be in the SAMPLE MGR menu in order to
receive samples. It is possible to send the samples to the Machinedrum UW at any
time. Note that playback of the sequencer will be halted when transmitting sam-

If you have a +Drive equipped Machinedrum you will see which Sample bank
that’s currently active. You can also see whether it is locked or not. If it is locked a
small lock symbol will be displayed.

For faster scrolling in the list, hold down the [FUNCTION] button and press the
[UP]/[DOWN] arrow keys. The SOUND SELECTION
wheel can also be used.


The Machinedrum offers two types of machines for storing samples: ROM and RAM
machines. The ROM machines keep the samples in memory even after the unit is switched
off. When the unit is turned on the samples stored in the ROM machines will be loaded

The RAM machines on the other hand function a bit different. Their content is erased every
time the unit is switched off. You then have to fill them with sound data by either sampling
the internal engine or sample from the external inputs. They are best used for real time
sampling. Read about how they can be used in the “RAM MACHINES TUTORIAL” on
page A-16,
found in APPENDIX A.


If you want to permanentely store the content of a RAM machine, you can copy it and paste
it to a ROM machine.


While in the SAMPLE MANAGER menu, move the focus to the RAM machine whose
content you wish to copy and then press [FUNCTION] + [REC].


Choose the ROM slot you want to copy the RAM machine to and then press [FUNC-
+ [STOP]. Since you can’t undo this operation you will be asked whether you