Appendix c: sysex reference – Elektron Machinedrum User Manual
Page 117

SYSEX set tempo:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$61 | Set tempo ID
%0aaaaaaa | Upper bits
%0bbbbbbb | Lower bits
$f7 | SYSEX end
Note: Tempo = %aaaaaaabbbbbbb / 24, max 300 BPM, min 30 BPM
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$62 | Set LFO ID
%0aaaabbb| %aaaa=LFO number (0 to 15), %bbb=parameter
| number (0-7)
%0ccccccc | parameter value
$f7 | SYSEX end
Note: You can also use control change to set LFO; speed,
amount & shapemix.
SYSEX unused:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$63 | None
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX reset midi note map:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$64 | Reset midi note map to Elektron’s mapping
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX set trig group:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$65 | Set trig group ID
%0000aaaa | Trigger track %aaaa (0 to 15)
%0000bbbb | track %bbbb (0 to 15) to be triggered
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX set mute group:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$66 | Set mute group ID
%0000aaaa | Mute control track %aaaa (0 to 15)
%0000bbbb | track %bbbb (0 to 15) to be muted
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX pattern dump:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$67 | Pattern dump ID
... | Pattern data bytes (see separate
| documentation)
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX pattern dump request:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$68 | Pattern request ID
%0aaaaaaa | Send pattern %aaaaaaa
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX song dump:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$69 | Song dump ID
... | Song data bytes (see separate documentation)
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX song request:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$6a | Song request ID
%000aaaaa | send song %aaaaa (0 to 31)
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX set receive position for dump:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$6b | Receive position ID
%000aaaab | receive pos on type 0001=global 0010=kit
| 0100=pattern 1000=song
%0ccccccc | to b=0 => pos ccccccc, b=1 original position
%0ddddddd | for ddddddd sysexes of this type
$f7 | SYSEX end
Note: Same as setting the receive parameters in the
SYSEX menu.
SYSEX load song:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$6c | Load song ID
%000aaaaa | Load song %aaaaa (0 to 31)
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX save song:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$6d | Save song ID
%000aaaaa | Save song to position %aaaaa (0 to 31)
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX status request:
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Request status ID
%00aaaaaa | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
$f7 | SYSEX end
0x01 Current global slot (0 to 7)
0x02 Current kit number (0 to 63)
0x04 Current pattern number (A1=0, A2=1, ... B1=16, ...)
0x08 Current song number (0 to 31)
0x10 Current sequencer mode (pattern mode=0, song mode=1)
0x20 Current lock mode (classic=0, extended=1)