Rom (uw versions only), Rom machines “rom-1 - rom-48, Ram (uw versions only) – Elektron Machinedrum User Manual

Page 111: Ram record “ram-r1 - ram-r4

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signal. A long release time lifts the signal level as a sound
decays, flattening the dynamics.

TRHD sets the threshold level where the signal starts get-
ting compressed (from -48 to 0dB).

RTIO controls the ratio by which the signal is compressed,
when the threshold level is reached. The ratio has a value
in the range 1:1 to 1:256.

KNEE controls the soft knee transition. It makes the transi-
tion between compressed and uncompressed signal
smoother, by softening the knee. A low value gives a hard

HP is the side chain High pass filter. This parameter high-
pass filters the sidechain signal of the Compressor, so that
it does not react to bass.

OUTG out gain raises the signal level. This is used to
make up for the gain lost in the compressor.

MIX controls the cross mix between the compressed signal
and the original signal. A high value bypasses the
DYNAMIX processor.


The ROM Machines contains user exchangea-
ble samples. There are 48 ROM machines in
total. Use these machines to add your person-
alized samples to the Machinedrum environ-

The content of the ROM machines remains in
the memory of the Machinedrum after power-
ing down the unit.


PTCH - Adjusts the pitch two octaves up or down. For the
first octave up or down, every third parameter step adjusts
the pitch one semi-note.

DEC - The Decay time. If the sample is looped, a setting of
127 will make it loop infinitely.

HOLD - Hold the amplitude envelope open for the speci-
fied time. A value of 127 keeps the envelope open for 1 bar
(16 steps). A value of 1 will keep the envelope open for 1/8
of a step.

BRR - Bit Rate Reduction. When set to 127 the sample will
be of 2-bit quality.

STRT - Controls the start point of the sample. The parame-
ter is exponential, giving a very fine control over the begin-
ning of a sample.

END - Controls the end point of the sample. The sample
will be reversed if it is set to a lower value than the STRT

RTRG - Sets the number of times a sample will retrig. If set
to 127 the sample will retrig infinitely.

RTIM - Defines the time between two retrigs. The time is
relative to the tempo. If the value is set to zero the RTRG
parameter will not affect anything.

The ROM machines ROM-25 to ROM-48 operates
slightly differently since they are optimized for loops.
How the parameters differ from the other ROM
machines is described below.

HOLD - Set to a value of 127 the amplitude envelope is
open for 2 bars. A setting of 1 will keep the envelope open
for ¼ of a step (1/16 note)

STRT - This parameter is now linear which makes it easy
to find a position within a loop. In a 2-bar loop you will find
each ¼ note located every 128/8 = 16 parameter steps. So
for every 16 steps of the parameter you will find each beat
in the loop.

END - Also linear and functions basically the same way as
the STRT-parameter.


The RAM machines are designed for captur-
ing sound in real time. They function a little bit
different from the other machines.

In order to capture and replay sound two dif-
ferent machines are needed, the RAM
RECORD and the RAM PLAY machines.

The content of the RAM machines are lost
when powering down the Machinedrum.


These machines are used to capture sound. The RAM
RECORD machines can capture both internal sounds
and external sounds. You have 4 RAM RECORD
machines at your disposal.

Some DSP memory is always reserved for the RAM
machines. The memory is shared with the ROM
machines so the more memory left for the RAM
machines, the higher will the quality of the recording

MLEV – Sets the level of internal sound that is rerouted
from the Main outputs to the RAM RECORD machine.
When set to 0 the signal will be recorded “as is”. If set to a
positive value the recorded signal will increase in volume
compared to the original signal. If set to a negative value
the signal will decrease in volume.