Sinus “gnd-sn, Noise “gnd-ns, Impulse “gnd-im – Elektron Machinedrum User Manual
Page 107: Input gate a/b “inp-ga/b, Input filter follower a/b “inp-fa/b, Input envelope a/b “inp-ea/b

GND is not really an MD-synth. It contains
some miscellaneous machines that can be
used for adding extra tonality, and an “empty”
machine called “---”.
PTCH - Controls the basic pitch.
DEC - The decay time. A higher value gives a longer
RAMP - The pitch ramp.
RDEC - The pitch ramp decay.
DEC - The decay time. A higher value gives a longer
UP - The time that the impulse stays positive.
UVAL - The value of the positive phase.
DOWN - The time that the impulse stays negative.
DVAL - The value of the negative phase.
The INP synth contains the machines that
effect the two external inputs of the Machine-
This is a gate for the A and B inputs. It is made for
passing through external audio. It does not react to
trigs, other than you need to trig it once for it to
become active.
VOL - Controls the input volume.
GATE - The input gate sensitivity. A low value lets lower
signals through the gate.
ATCK - The input gate attack time. A high value makes the
gate open more slowly.
HLD - The input gate hold time. This parameter controls
how long the gate will be fully open for after the input sig-
nal level drops below the gate sensitivity level.
DEC - The input gate decay time. Sets the gate decay time
which comes after the gate hold phase.
This is an input envelope lowpass filter follower for the
A and B inputs. It is made for passing through external
audio. It does not react to trigs, other than you need to
trig it once for it to become active.
ALEV - Controls the input volume.
GATE - The input gate sensitivity. A low value lets lower
signals through the gate.
FATK - The input filter attack time. A high value makes the
gate open more slowly.
FHLD - The input filter gate hold time. This parameter con-
trols how long the gate will be fully open for after the input
signal level drops below the gate sensitivity level.
FDEC - The input filter gate decay time. Sets the gate
decay time which comes after the gate hold phase.
FDPH - The input filter cutoff depth value. This controls
how much the filter cutoff value will be influenced by the
input gate envelope.
FFRQ - The input filter base cutoff frequency.
FQ - The input filter Q value.
This is an envelope that treats external audio as a per-
cussion source. It has two active envelopes, one for
the external audio and one the extra built in lowpass
filter. The envelopes are trigged using the standard
drum trig buttons.
AVOL - Controls the input volume (Amplitude).
AHLD - The input amplitude hold time. A high value keeps
the input amplitude gate open longer.
ADEC - The input amplitude decay time.
FQ - The input filter Q value.
FDPH - The input filter cutoff depth value. This controls
how much the filter cutoff value will be influenced by the
input filter envelope.
FHLD - The input filter cutoff hold time.
FDEC - The input filter cutoff decay time.
FFRQ - The input filter base cutoff frequency.