The dynamix dynamics processor, The dynamix dynamics processor -31 – Elektron Machinedrum User Manual
Page 39

HF is the cut/boost frequency parameter of the high shelf filter.
HG is the high shelf gain parameter that controls how much the high frequencies should be
boosted / reduced between -15dB and +15dB.
PF is the parametric EQ frequency parameter, that is the center frequency of the paramet-
ric EQ band.
PG is the parametric EQ gain parameter. It controls how much the parametric EQ should
boost or reduce between -15dB and +15dB, at the frequency set by the “PF” parameter.
PQ is the parametric EQ Q factor. The Q controls the width of the band that is boosted or
reduced by the parametric EQ. High Q-values give a narrow band.
GAIN is the final out volume control. This parameter allows you to adjust the out volume of
the main stereo out.
The DYNAMIX dynamics processor is specially designed for compressing percussive
ATCK controls the attack time, which is the time it takes the volume detector to react to the
Attack part of the sound signal. Long attack times let fast transients through the compres-
REL controls the release time. This is the time it takes the volume detector to react to the
Release part of the sound signal. A long release time lifts the signal level as a sound
decays, flattening the dynamics.
TRHD sets the threshold level where the signal starts getting compressed (from -48 to
RTIO controls the ratio by which the signal is compressed, when the threshold level is
reached. The ratio has a value in the range 1:1 to 1:256.
KNEE controls the soft knee transition. It makes the transition between compressed and
uncompressed signal smoother, by softening the knee. A low value gives a hard knee.
HP is the side chain High pass filter. This parameter highpass filters the sidechain signal of
the Compressor, so that it does not react to bass.
OUTG out gain raises the signal level. This is used to make up for the gain lost in the com-
MIX controls the cross mix between the compressed signal and the original signal. A high
value bypasses the DYNAMIX processor.