Appendix d: machines, Bdhd (bass drum hard), Bdcl (bass drum classic) – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 95: Sdhd (snare drum hard), Sdcl (snare drum classic)

Appendix D: MACHINES
Appendix D: MACHINES
This appendix lists the parameters on the SYNTH page of the drum tracks. The choice of MACHINE will
determine which parameters are available. There are several MACHINES to choose from. See “ANALOG
RYTM CONTROLS” on page 13 (illustration) for drum track voice allocation.
TUN (Tune) sets the pitch of the oscillator. Range (-64-+63).
SWT (Sweep Time) sets the pitch sweep time. The depth of the
sweep is fixed. Range (0-127).
SNP (Snap Amount) sets the amount of snap. Range (0-127).
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time of the sound. Range (0-
WAV (Waveform) sets the oscillator waveform to sine, asymmet-
ric sine or triangle. Range (0, 1, 2).
HLD (Hold Time) sets the hold time, the time before the decay
phase starts. Range (0-127).
TIC (Tick Level) sets the level of the transient tick. Range (0-
LEV (Level) sets the overall volume level. Range (0-127).
TUN (Tune) sets the pitch of the oscillator. Range (-64-+63).
SWT (Sweep Time) sets the pitch sweep time. Low values result
in a short sweep. Range (0-127).
SWD (Sweep Depth) sets the depth of the pitch sweep. Range
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time. Range (0-127).
WAV (Waveform) sets the oscillator waveform to sine, asymmet-
ric sine or triangle. Range (0, 1, 2).
HLD (Hold Time) sets the hold time, the time before the decay
phase starts. Range (0-127).
TRA (Transient) sets the tick or noise transient sound and its
level. Range (0-55).
LEV (Level) sets the overall volume level. Range (0-127).
TUN (Tune) sets the pitch of the oscillators. The interval between
them is fixed. Range (-64-+63).
SWT (Sweep Time) sets the pitch sweep time. Range (0-127).
SWD (Sweep Depth) sets the depth of the pitch sweep. Range
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time. Range (0-127).
TIC (Tick Level) sets the level of the transient tick. Range (0-
NOD (Noise Decay) sets the noise decay time. Range (0-127).
NOL (Noise Level) sets the noise level. Range (0-127).
LEV (Level) sets the overall volume level. Range (0-127).
TUN (Tune) sets the common pitch of the oscillators. Range (-
DET (Detune) sets the pitch of the second oscillator in relation to
the first. Range (-64-+63).
BAL (Osc Balance) sets the balance between the levels of oscil-
lator 1 and oscillator 2. Range (-64-+63).
DEC (Decay Time) sets the decay time of the drum sound.
Range (0-127).
SNP (Snap Amount) sets the amount of snap. Range (0-127).
NOD (Noise Decay) sets the decay time of the noise. Range (0-
NOL (Noise Level) sets the noise level. Range (0-127).
LEV (Level) sets the overall volume level. Range (0-127).
The MACHINES below can be used on the BD, SD, RS and CP tracks.