Sound menu – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 33

In this menu Sounds in the +Drive Sound library or in the Sound pool of the active project can be browsed and
managed. Other menu options let you clear the track Sound, rename the track Sound or change the settings for
the track Sound. Open the menu by pressing [FUNCTION] + [MUTE]. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to
move between the options. Press [YES/SAVE] to confirm your selection. Exit the menu by pressing [NO/
SOUND BROWSER is for previewing and loading of Sounds. Opening the menu will show a list of all Sounds in
either the +Drive Sound library or the Sound pool. Only the Sounds that can be voiced by the active track will be
shown. For example, if the CH track is active, only the Sounds using the MACHINES available for the CH (and
OH) track will be visible. If you wish to browse various Bass Drum Sounds, for instance, first make sure the BD
is the active track by pressing [TRACK] + the first [PADS] key. Scroll the list by turning the LEVEL knob or by
pressing [UP]/[DOWN]. Load a Sound by pressing [YES/SAVE]. Unlike the SOUND MANAGER menu, it does
not have the SOUND OPERATIONS menu. Also, empty Sound slots are not shown here.
Pressing [LEFT] will access the SORTING menu. Press [YES/SAVE] to execute the commands. Press [NO/
RELOAD] or the [RIGHT] arrow key to exit the menu.
POOL lists Sounds available in the Sound pool of the active project. The command is only
available when browsing the +Drive Sound library.
+DRIVE lists Sounds available on the +Drive Sound library. The command is only available
when browsing the Sound pool of the active project.
SORT ABC sorts the Sounds in alphabetical order. The command is only available when
Sounds are being sorted by slot number.
SORT 123 sorts the Sounds by slot number (or +Drive position). The command is only availa-
ble when Sounds are being sorted alphabetically.
FILTER opens a list where Sounds can be arranged according to tags. Select and deselect
tags by pressing [YES/SAVE]. Multiple tags can be selected. Exit the tag list by pressing [NO/
SEARCH will perform a text search and list all Sounds with names matching or including the
text input. See “THE NAMING SCREEN” on page 10 on how to enter text.