Distortion – Elektron Analog Rytm User Manual
Page 83

AMT (Distortion Amount) controls the amount of distortion
applied to the signal. Range (0-127).
SYM (Distortion Symmetry) offsets the whole signal - in the y
direction, if visualized as a sine wave on a 2D graph - up (posi-
tive values) or down (negative values) before applying distortion.
This makes asymmetric distortion of the signal possible, fringing
only the crests or the troughs of the wave. Range (-64-+63).
DOV (Delay Overdrive) controls the overdrive of the Delay effect,
resulting in a warm and dynamic distortion. Set this in conjunc-
tion with the FDB parameter on the DELAY page in order to pro-
duce anything from a tinge of shear to a very aggressive four-
pound barrage of overtones. Range (0-127).
DEL (Delay Dist/Comp) sets the Delay effect to return before (0)
or after (1) the signal is subject to distortion and compression.
The default setting is before. Range (0/1).
REV (Reverb Dist/Comp) sets the Reverb effect to return before
(0) or after (1) the signal is subject to distortion and compression.
The default setting is after. Range (0/1).
The distortion master effect pronounces the peaks of the signal and distorts them. Additionally, the sound wave may be offset in its
entirety on this page and seasoned with non-symmetrical distortion. This PARAMETER page also controls the overdrive of the Delay
effect, as well as the routing of the Delay and Reverb effect returns.